At the Law Office of Vincent Van Ho, we recognize that you have been working your whole entire life in order to provide for your family and loved ones. With all of the problems that can arise in daily life it’s important to think about what will happen to the people and or organizations you care about if something were to happen to you. While there are various instruments to help you in planning for your future, such as a last will and testament, for some, a Living Trust is the best instrument to provide for instructions for those that you hold dear, all the while saving you and your loved ones time, money, and maintaining privacy.
Our Estate Planning Packet Includes:
- Living Trust.The legal instrument used to eliminate probate and the need for the court to intervene with your estate at the time of your death. This instrument describes the property within the trust, the powers of the trust, and identifies persons to control and to receive the assets at the time of death.
- Transfer of Assets into Trust.The complicated process of transferring ownership of certain assets and property into the living trust. This involves drafting the necessary paperwork to transfer your assets, communicating with the property entities to facilitate the transfer, and the filing of deeds and certifications with property entities to guarantee the transfer is completed.
- Pour-Over-Will. This is the legal instrument that ensures that all of the property and assets you own at the time of death not specifically identified within the living trust will pass into the living trust by operation of law.
- Durable Power of Attorney. A power of attorney that remains effective even if the person who created it becomes incapacitated or incompetent. The person authorized to act can make health care decisions or handle financial affairs for you, depending on the authority granted by the document. This allows you to avoid the costly court process called conservatorship, in which a judge will appoint a guardian to manage your financial affairs and/or daily life due to physical or mental limitations, or old age.
- Advanced Health Care Directive.The legal document in which you specify what actions should be taken for your health if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself because of illness or incapacity. This document also lays out your physician or hospital of choice in advance, as well as the decision to continue life-prolonging treatment or withdraw treatment in appropriate situations.
Whether you decide to create a Living Trust, or just want to speak to someone about other estate planning procedures, confidential and compassionate assistance in planning for your estate is available by contacting the Law Office of Vincent Van Ho by e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at (916) 504-2672.